Dear Fellow Shore Board 194 Members,

Greetings and welcome to the 2024-25 Basketball Season. thank you to our members for all you do for our organization and the game of basketball. 

As you go through this off-season and beyond, be on the lookout for individuals who would be interested in becoming a basketball official with Shore Board 194. Although it is a difficult sport to officiate, our Board and IAABO provide great resources for new and current officials to enhance their skills. Please direct those interested to to submit their contact information and receive our training information.

On behalf of our Executive Board, I wish all of our officials a healthy and safe off-season. I look forward working with you as President.  I ask that you visit our website periodically to keep abreast of any new information that may assist you.  

In closing, it is an honor to serve as President to this great organization, Shore Board 194. I look forward to seeing each of you on and off the court throughout the year. Please do not hesitate to reach out to myself or any Executive Board member with any questions or concerns that you may have.

My best to you, 

Brian Murray

Please contact me via email ( with any questions, concerns, or suggestions regarding our Association.  Please direct any questions regarding rules and their interpretation to Jason Stallworth ( All other Board business should be sent to our secretary/treasurer.